May Favorite
Matt Damon & Jason Bourne

Over the years we’ve met many famous people – sometimes just accidentally or due to two of my previous jobs – but we crossed paths with Matt Damon several times and he made a lasting impression.
Not just because he achieved to become one of the most famous action-movie actors in the world – despite his (at first glance) kind of unspectacular appearance – but also because he is one of the friendliest, most charming actors I’ve ever met.
Some people say: famous people are just normal people like you and me…. Well, in my opinion they’re not. Most of them are millionaires (and only 0,5% of the world population can claim that) and they also have a strong public presence, which can be a major burden – and usually reveals the true character of a person.
Just imagine being fotographed in practically any akward and unflattering situation, being interviewed on private matters and damned for every little mistake. The press gives you scathing criticism and many fans (or people who know you from the screen) idolize and admire you or some people might hate you because they can’t differentiate fiction from reality and dispite you because of a mean charakter you played in a movie. I truly believe it is not easy to be a person of public interest and some might not be able to cope with fame and become arrogant and full of themselves since everyone fulfills their every wish and whim.
Not Matt Damon though. In interviews as well as during our personal encounters he is always very attentive and very far from vain. He tries (and succeeds) to keep his private life out of the news without ever appearing rejecting.
From the beginning I’ve pursued all the Oceans- and Bourne-movies (and The Good Will Hunting of course) and loved every single one of them! But the last Jason Bourne (2016) is the best one yet! So my May Favorite is not only an actor this time but also his movie (he also produced this film).
I have to say, I watched the film Snowden just before I watched Jason Bourne without even knowing that this would be the perfect match. Without spoiling too much I can reveal this: in both movies it is basically all about fighting against the evil CIA and being on the run.
Of course we were so proud of German actress Franka Potente who played the leading female part in the very first Bourne-movie (released in 2002). But in the new sequel (by pure chance!) it is my personal girls crush Alicia Vikander!
I don’t even want to gush about the acting perfomance right now – which is thoroughly terrific – but I really think the story of this movie is magnificent and we all know this isn’t necessarily the case when it comes to action movies! 😀
After all we heard (especially from Snowden) and after all that has been found out about the CIA these past years, the storyline of this movie doesn’t seem so absurd really… Especially regarding their strategy on how to approach start up-founders at the Vegas-convention… I do believe this movie shows more reality than we would like…
And if you haven’t already seen it; here’s the trailer:
Cooler Artikel. So hab ich das mit der Prominenz noch gar nicht gesehen, auch ich war bisher einer der Sprücheklopfer von wegen ‘die sind auch nur Menschen’…. Da hast du Recht, weise Worte. lg Lukas
Vielen Dank 🙂