
Kohlrouladen mit Hackfüllung (und mit Wirsinggemüse)


Die Rouladen können einen Tag später z.B. mit Speckwürfeln angebraten werden – schmeckt fast noch besser!


Momentan gibt es noch so richtig schönen Wirsing auf dem Markt, also schreibe ich heute mal eines meiner liebsten Rezepte für Herbst/Winter auf. Da man für die Rouladen nur ein paar Blätter Wirsing benötigt, mache ich vom Rest immer “Wirsinggemüse” oder Wirsing-Kartoffel-Stampf, allerdings ist Wirsinggemüse ganz einfach und schnell zuzubereiten. Mein Rezept dafür gibt es also gleich dazu
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Coconut Truffles

Everytime I bring these pralines and someone asks me, “Are they really homemade?” it makes me kind of happy 😀 And I’m even more delighted, when someone asks me for the recipe. Since both questions came up very often lately I will now share the recipe with you:
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Raspberry Cherry Pie

A few months ago I told you my secret and famous recipe of our passionately loved apple sauce pie!

This raspberry cherry pie is a slight variation of it. The dough and the crumbles on top are exactly the same, only the filling is different – but you’ll have a completely different pie!

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Easter Carrot Cake

Just in time before the Easter-Weekend I’m revealing my favorite carrot cake recipe. For those of you who don’t know carrot cake: no worries, it doesn’t taste like carrot at all, it tastes really fresh and sweet!

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Pancakes / Crêpes

Today we celebrate Mardi Gras (French), in English: Fat Tuesday, which is International Pancake Day as well and so today we should all binge on pancakes: This is my favorite and super easy recipe – perfect for beginners…

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Lemon Curd

Lemon Curd is best known as a spread in Great Britain but also in Northamerica. It can also be used as a cake filling.

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Chia pudding with raspberry sauce


Not too long anymore and it’ll be warm again and some of us would like to fit in their bikinis by then and want to get rid of their muffin tops of this winter and Christmas season’s feast…

Since I’m not keen on avoiding sweets I am going to tell you my secret. Here’s my recipe for afternoon cravings and dessert desires. 
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Dumpling Coins

What can you do, when your dumplings don’t turn out well and just break up once you put them in the water?

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Bread Dumplings

Autumn and winter time is perfect for meat like roast venison, deer goulash or game in general. Our favorite side dish: bread dumplings. They are also very delicious with roast beef or goulash.

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